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Benefit from Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation’s Landscaping

As they say, first impressions are everything. The part of your property that people will see is the landscaping and hardscaping. So, in a way, professional landscaping services, like the ones provided by Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation in Denver and Aurora, Colorado, make your entire home more beautiful. Our goal is to give you the yard you have always wanted. Just imagine stepping out on the patio of your dreams, overlooking a pond or fountain, or showing off your meticulously trimmed shrubbery. Our team can make your dream yard a reality, whether you manage a commercial or residential property. To make things better, our team handles all the work so that all you need to do is enjoy your beautiful yard.

Landscaping Services in Aurora & Denver

Landscaping Services Designed to Bring Your Dreams to Life

At Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation, we have a precise process for performing landscaping design and installation services. All our landscaping services start with a meeting to look at your property and discuss what you envision. Then, we can create preliminary project drawings and provide you with a detailed estimate for the work. Once you are ready to start the project, our team will schedule a time and make all necessary preparations with utility companies and suppliers of materials. Finally, it’s just a matter of our team coming out to install the landscaping you need, whether it’s a precisely planned garden or a more natural design. Afterward, our team is always available for long-term upkeep to make sure your landscaping stays beautiful.

Design Elements to Consider During Landscaping Services

When Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation provides landscaping services for a property, there are a few key design elements that we like to discuss. Those elements are mass, form, line, and void. Each component contributes to the overall visual aesthetic of your yard. So it may be helpful for you to have an overview of each.


Mass describes space occupied by a group of objects. Planting beds, a home, patio and arbors all have mass. The key is to balance the mass of objects in a landscape. Components should be sized according to what surrounds them. For example, planting beds should be sized in relationship to the lawn, home or nearby hardscape.


When someone refers to the design element of form, they are usually talking about shape. Form comes in geometric and organic varieties. Deciding on whether you want your landscaping to have more natural shapes or distinctly designed geometric patterns is a decision that we like to help you make at the beginning of our landscaping services.


The design element of line guides the eye from one place on your landscape to another. We pay close attention to line during our landscaping services because of the monumental impact it can have. One of the major landscaping benefits is using tricks like the implementation of horizontal lines to create a space that feels more open.


The empty space within your landscape says just as much as the space filled with trees, shrubbery, and walkways. During landscaping services, we use voids to offset the mass of other objects strategically. A void does not always mean completely empty space. Objects like open patios and manicured lawns are creative ways to implement the element of void in your yard.

Residential Landscaping Services for Your Home

Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation’s residential landscaping services help homeowners create an attractive yard that adds value to their home. Our award-winning landscaping services are insured, licensed, and bonded. So, we are prepared for any landscaping job, no matter how big or complex. We can turn a barren landscape into the lush garden of your dreams, or we can take a pretty yard and make it gorgeous. Let our team guide you through the process, from visualizing the perfect yard for your home to seeing it become a reality.

Commercial Landscaping Services for Your Business

The first thing any customer or client will think about when they come to your place of business is your landscaping because it’s the first thing they will see. Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation performs residential landscaping services that will amaze everyone who comes to your place of business. We’ve been performing landscaping services for businesses just like yours for over 25 years. So, we know the importance of doing world-class work and getting the job done on time. Additionally, we work with you to form strategies for limiting the impact on your day-to-day business. There is no reason to inconvenience your customers and clients during the process of beautifying your landscape.

Take Advantage of the Many Landscaping Benefits

Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation has seen many benefits of our landscaping services around the Denver and Aurora area. When you get professional landscaping, you will, of course, notice that your yard is more aesthetically pleasing, but the benefits go much further than that. While it may be hard to believe, expert landscaping has been shown to:


  • Increase the value of your home up to 12%
  • Add between $1,000 and $10,000 to the value of your home with just a single mature tree
  • Improve the natural environment of your area
  • Reduce storm runoff and water damage to the foundation of your house
  • Encourage children and other family members to spend more time outdoors engaging in physical activity
  • Bring communities together

Free Estimates and Consultations for Landscaping Services

Blue Sky Hardscaping & Irrigation is here to make sure that your landscaping looks better than ever. Whether you want to make your neighbors jealous or add value to your home, our landscaping team is ready to walk you through the entire process. Whether you need residential landscaping services or commercial landscaping services, we have team members with the expertise you need. To get your free estimate and begin designing the yard of your dreams, call us today or fill out the contact form here.



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