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Artificial Grass Installations

Artificial grass is the perfect solution to endlessly battling your natural grass. In colder months, your lawn often becomes a nightmare covered in leaves and snow that leave the ground muddy and unkept. During the summer, sun-parched droughts wither everything for months on end, forcing you to pump gallon after gallon of costly water onto your lawn. If you’re ready for a change, Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation installs artificial grass to South Metro Denver, CO, and the surrounding areas. Contact us to learn more!

Artificial Grass

Rising Popularity of Artificial Grass in Colorado

The popularity of synthetic grass in Colorado is skyrocketing as people see more and more playgrounds and parks using artificial turf. Homeowners and business owners are turning to the stunning green landscaping to replace their muddy yards and cut down on yard maintenance. We install artificial turf in almost any area, including the most popular areas in the shade where grass won’t grow or bare patches of yard beneath evergreen trees. The look and feel of realistic artificial grass with its thick, long blades is the best choice for many Colorado customers.

Benefits of Synthetic Grass

The benefits of artificial grass installation include:

  • Large selection of grass textures, lengths, and colors to customize your lawn
  • Little to no maintenance
  • Eco-friendly
  • Durability to last decades
  • Never a need to pull weeds or run sprinkler systems
  • Boost in aesthetics

Popular Uses for Artificial Grass

Homeowners and business owners use artificial grass for many uses, including:

  • A walkway to transition to different areas in the yard
  • Outdoor play area for children
  • Entertainment area
  • An artful design along with a hardscape
  • Area for family pets
  • Backyard putting green

Artificial Grass for Pets & Kids

Artificial grass is an excellent and safe choice for pets. Installing artificial grass for dogs helps train them to use this area when nature calls instead of messing up your lawn. Cleanup is quick and easy without hassle. Kids love the cushion and feeling of artificial grass. They can spend hours outside playing without worrying about getting muddy, dirty, or about grass allergens.

Why Choose Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation?

Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation proudly serves South Metro Denver, CO, and the surrounding areas with exemplary hardscaping and landscaping services. Our artificial grass is made of high-quality nylon or polypropylene with a cushioning system. Besides artificial grass, our comprehensive services include:

Contact Us Today to Refresh Your Lawn

Blue Sky Hardscapes and Irrigation is the premier backyard renovation company in the Denver Metro area, and we’re dedicated to professional quality and friendly customer service. If you need help in deciding what kind of yard you’re looking for, or if you’d like more information on artificial grass installation services in Aurora & South Metro Denver, CO, give us a call. Avoid the stress of lawn care and get the peace of mind of knowing your yard will always look its best without a high level of maintenance. Contact us today and refresh your lawn with artificial grass!

Trust Our Hardscape & Irrigation Experts