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Improve Your Home’s Appearance With Concrete Walkways

Concrete can be used in a wide variety of ways around your home. This popular, durable material is commonly used in driveways, walls, patios, and walkways. At Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation in Denver and Aurora, CO, our team has decades of experience assisting customers with concrete projects. Our skilled craftspeople are known for their outstanding work, and we’re fully licensed and insured in order to provide you with the highest level of service.

If you’re thinking about installing a new concrete walkway, contact Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation today for a free estimate.

Options for New Concrete Walkways

Concrete is a tremendously versatile material. With concrete walkways, you have a number of options:

  • Stamped concrete – With nearly unlimited options for patterns, stamped concrete walkways can mimic the look of brick, flagstone, or even wood.
  • Stenciled concrete – Stencils can transform concrete walkways in ways similar to stamped concrete. When concrete stencils are used, a paper stencil is used to create patterns that look like stone, brick, slate, or any type of decorative design.
  • Colored concrete – If you’d like to have concrete in a certain color, that’s no problem. We can add almost any color.
  • Decorative concrete scoring and cutting – Our craftspeople can use concrete saws or hand tools to create decorative looks.
  • Concrete block walkways – The distinctive look of concrete block walkways adds a touch of panache to your home. These large concrete blocks offer an upscale look with separate, unconnected blocks set in gravel or small stones.
  • Concrete pavers – Interlocking concrete pavers can be used alone or in conjunction with other concrete applications. They provide an easy-to-install, reasonably priced concrete walkway option.
  • Exposed aggregate finishes – When the stones used in concrete (aggregate) are exposed, the aggregate can create a pleasing design that also helps reduce slipperiness.

The Advantages of Choosing Concrete Walkways

Concrete offers a number of benefits as a building material. It’s highly durable, reasonably priced, easily crafted into appealing designs and colors, and it’s easy to take care of. You can depend on a concrete walkway to last and look its best for many, many years.

Contact Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation in Aurora & Denver

Serving Denver, Aurora, and the surrounding areas, Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation can help you with hardscapes, fire pits, patios, retaining walls, irrigation, artificial grass, and concrete features. We’re dedicated to providing outstanding customer service and excellent craftsmanship on every project. Contact us today for additional information or to request a free estimate.

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