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Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation’s Fire Pits

An outdoor fire pit is a perfect way to enjoy the outdoors in the colder months. Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation offers custom fire pits to our Aurora and South Metro Denver, CO customers. Fire pits boost the beauty of your yard and provide radiant light for your landscaping. We’re here to design, construct, and install stunning double-sided fireplaces, gas-burning, and wood-burning fire pits.

Enjoying the sunset with stone fire pit in Aurora

Custom Fire Pits

Our team has been designing and installing hardscapes for the past 25 years. We know how important it is for many people to enjoy the outdoor air and entertain guests without worrying about the temperature. We design our custom-built fire pits with your style in mind. We offer a large assortment of materials from decorative brick and stucco to tile and natural stone. We can custom-build your fire pit in your desired shape and size. Whether you want a classic circular fire pit or a built-in fireplace, we’ll make your fire pit dreams come to life.

Benefits of Fire Pits

A custom fire pit is a fantastic addition to your patio for many reasons, including:


  • Provides a way to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about the cool weather
  • Offers a chance to build brick seating around the fire pit for added space
  • Adds warm light for natural landscape lighting
  • Useful throughout the year
  • Creates a cozy atmosphere
  • Perfect for small or large spaces

Double-Sided Fireplaces

A double-sided fireplace is an excellent addition when you want to control the level of heat with a unique option. A double-sided fireplace has retractable glass on both sides, allowing you to open one to let the heat out and close the other. Either way, you’ll enjoy this gorgeous and warm patio addition.

Gas-Burning Outdoor Fire Pit

Gas-burning fire pits provide an environmentally friendly and safe option for your property. They’re quick to light and offer a gorgeous ambiance. Many people choose gas-burning fire pits because they run continuously without interruptions or the need to add more logs.

Wood-Burning Outdoor Fire Pit

Wood-burning fire pits provide a natural burning fire and optimal warmth. Many people love the feeling of throwing logs on the fire and watching the flames grow. A wood-burning fire pit requires little maintenance, but ash and embers must be appropriately disposed of after use.

Why Choose Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation?

Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation works hard to make your visions for hardscaping and landscaping a reality. Our experienced team is ready to tackle any project and exceed your expectations. We’ll consult with you to determine what works best for your property. From design to installation, we’ll walk with you step by step through every part of the project.

Contact Us in Aurora & South Metro Denver, CO

A fire pit is an inviting, stunningly beautiful addition to any property. Think of the countless hours you’ll spend laughing and talking around the fire. We understand the temperatures can be chilly in Colorado, but there is no reason you can’t enjoy time around the warm fire on a cold night. Contact us today to start the process of designing your fire pit.

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