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What Is an Outdoor Structure?

An outdoor structure is defined as a stand-alone structure that typically has a roof or covering that can protect what’s underneath it from the elements like sun or rain. There are many different types of outdoor structures, ranging from a gazebo to a greenhouse. Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation team is proud to provide a wide array of outdoor structures for all types of landscaping and outdoor living projects. Whether you are doing a full landscape redesign or just looking to add a new element to your property in Denver, CO, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about what we have to offer!

Four Common Types of Outdoor Structures

When it comes to landscape design, there are many options for adding an outdoor structure. These structures can help create or enhance an outdoor environment. The most common types of outdoor structures used in landscaping projects include the following:

  • Gazebo – A gazebo is a freestanding unit supported by columns with a solid roof. Gazebos can be built in all sizes, shapes, and designs to complement any desired outdoor atmosphere.
  • Greenhouse – Greenhouses are great outdoor structures for homeowners that enjoy gardening. These freestanding structures have many windows with an enclosed roof, creating a microclimate for growing all kinds of plants.
  • Pergola – Created by four posts, typically columns or pillars, pergolas offer shade and privacy to an outdoor area. Pergolas often extend over patios or connect to another existing structure.
  • Pavilion – Built with four pillars and a closed roof, pavilions offer shade and protection from the weather. A backyard pavilion or patio pavilion, for example, can be used to protect outdoor spaces.

Benefits of Outdoor Shade Structures

The primary benefit of adding an outdoor structure to your home is the shade it provides. The benefits of covered outdoor living spaces include:

  • Prevention of heat exhaustion, dehydration, and sunburn
  • Keeping furniture and equipment cool
  • Protection from elements like sun and rain
  • Allowing for more time spent outdoors
  • Providing a cooler, protected outdoor environment

Choosing the Right Outdoor Structure for Your Property

With the different styles of outdoor structures available, deciding which is best for your property can be challenging. While trying to make a decision, consider these elements:

  • Existing Landscaping Elements – What features does your property already have? Which elements do you want to improve? Knowing your outdoor area needs can help determine which outdoor structure fits best.
  • Covered or Uncovered Structure – Are you looking to add shade to your outdoor space? If so, this can narrow your search for the right structure. Hardtop roofs are better for year-round use like a covered outdoor living room, while structures with canopies or curtains are great for summertime daytime use.
  • Screens or Open Air – Is it crucial for the outdoor structure to provide a break from bugs? For dining areas, a screened structure would be best for uninterrupted experiences free of pests.
  • Structure Size – How much room do you have for an outdoor structure? The available area will considerably influence the type of structure you can add to your property.

Contact Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation

Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation can help you choose and install the perfect outdoor structure for your property. We have all sizes, types, and styles of outdoor structures available for design, purchase, and installation. A covered outdoor living space offers many benefits to a home, its residents, and its guests. For more information and to start your next outdoor project, contact us today!

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