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Unique Water Features From Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation

Water features are man-made artificial bodies of water used as elements of landscaping. A water feature can range in size, style, and function and provides both sound and movement to an environment. Adding a water feature to landscaping can elevate the look and feel. Water features can enhance existing landscaping or take a new landscape design to the next level. The Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation team can assist in choosing the suitable water feature for your property in Denver, CO.

Different Types of Outdoor Water Features

The team at Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation offers a variety of water feature installation options, including:

  • Garden Fountains – Primarily used for decoration, garden fountains have a pump in the bottom that pushes water up and out over concrete or rocks. Garden fountains are used to enhance landscape aesthetics as well as provide the soothing sound of splashing water.
  • Garden Waterfalls – A waterfall connected to a pond of any size is considered a garden waterfall. These waterfalls empty into a body of water that often contains aquatic plants and fish. These outdoor waterfall fountains are the most natural-looking option.
  • Pondless Waterfalls – While garden waterfalls deliver water into a pond, pondless waterfalls are also an option as a water feature. The water that moves through these waterfalls doesn’t pool at a pond at the bottom but instead continues circulating through.
  • Pondless Water Garden – A pondless water garden is a water feature that doesn’t collect water. Instead of a pond or pool, water moves through fountains or cascades repeatedly without creating a standing body of water.

Do Outdoor Water Features Add Value to a Home?

Yes, water features can add value to your home. Water features can help you better take advantage of your outdoor spaces. The more customized your outdoor spaces are, with the water features you enjoy the most, the more you will value them! Well-designed landscaping can also make your property more attractive to buyers. Water features add a custom touch to your landscaping and overall property.

Additional Services From Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation

In addition to water feature installation, Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation provides a full suite of landscaping services. We offer the following options:

  • Landscaping Design & Installation – Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation provides complete landscaping design and installation services to turn your outdoor dreams into a reality. Our team will design and execute landscaping for your property that aligns with your desired aesthetic.
  • Hardscaping – As an alternative to adding more grass or plants, hardscaping can be used to fill outdoor space with elements like sidewalks, walkways, fire pits, and patios.
  • Outdoor Kitchens – Take your outdoor space to the next level by installing an outdoor kitchen. This outdoor area can be used for cooking, dining, and entertaining in the fresh air.
  • Fire Pits – Perfect for relaxing or hosting friends, a fire pit serves as a central outdoor location and can be used year-round in Denver. Fire pits are available from Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation in various styles and sizes.

Contact Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation for More Information Today!

Blue Sky Hardscapes & Irrigation can help you choose and install the perfect outdoor water features for new or existing landscaping. Our team will show you a variety of available options and help you select the right one for your outdoor space, style, and budget. Contact our team today to get started!

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